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1-30 Blanket & Coat Drive

8   SVHS Parent Club meeting at 6 pm

16  Cash for College Workshop at 6 pm Rm C703

17  Deadline to sign up for Grad Night & Winter sports rally - short assembly schedule

20  No school for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

23  Careers in Agriculture & Environmental Science during lunch

24  Battle of the Bands

30 Vigilant Parent Initiative (6-7 pm workshop about online safety)

31  Winter Formal



3  Deadline to pay for senior banners

6  Teacher and Staff Appreciation Luncheon

8  Pre-ACT

10  Parent mtg with accreditation evaluators 6 to 7:30 pm

11   Careers in Law Enforcement presented during lunch

12  SVHS Parent Club Mtg at 6 pm in main conference room

13  Long All Schedule

14 & 17  No School

19  Expo/SVHS Open House

20  Senior Panoramic Pic on football field at 11:15 am

22  Winter Play 5:30 and 8 pm shows

24-28  Culture Week

25 Cabrillo College Next Steps





1   SVHS Fashion Show    

6   Long All Schedule

7   No school - Professional Development Day

11   SVHS Career Fair

12   SVHS Parent Club Meeting 6 pm

​13   Art Night

18-20  CAASPP Testing

25   Cap & gown and graduation announcements pick up during lunch

27   Careers in Local Government workshop at lunch

28   Spring Sports Assembly



7-11  Spring Break

16  SVHS Parent Club Meeting at 6 pm

17-19 Prom Clothing Giveaway

26  SVHS 25th Anniversary Gala 6 to 10 pm



2   Falcon Fest

10   Prom

14   SVHS Parent Club Meeting at 6 pm

22  Senior Farewell Rally

23  Senior Finals Begin

26  No School - Memorial Day 

27-29  Finals

29  Senior Breakfast

29  Graduation at 4 pm


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